Friday, March 14, 2008

Trading Pairs: DUG / USO (or DBO)

Yesterday, on, I posted a short piece on “pairs trading”.

Consider this:

DUG is the UltraShort Oil & Gas ProShares ETF that corresponds to twice (200%) the inverse daily performance of the Dow Jones U.S. Oil & Gas IndexSM. Basically, you would buy DUG if you want to short O&G company stocks, in a big way.

If you think that the prices of O&G companies are and will continue to de-couple from the price performance of crude oil and go down while oil prices go up, you might consider pairing DUG with either USO or DBO, thus shorting O&G stocks and going long crude oil.





Disclaimer: If you use this strategy based solely on this information, Jed, Jethro, Ellie Mae, and Granny Clampett will take up residence in your home and effectively “de-couple” you from your sense of peace and sanity. If that isn’t enough, gasoline prices may also top $10/gal, effectively de-coupling you from your bullshit Mazda Miata.

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